Is the phablet the future of smartphones?

Nexus 6 Phablet
A recent report by Yahoo’s Flurry Analytics unit shows that phablet usage is growing dramatically — and that signals a greater change in the mobile device market overall.

Diagnosing sleep apnea with smartphone apps

New diagnostic apps developed by researchers at the University of Washington and Oxford University can detect sleep apnea with almost the same accuracy as traditional and expensive lab tests.

How to download and install the latest Windows 8.1 Update for free (updated)

Windows 8.1 Update 1 Start screen, with power button
If you want to download Windows 8.1 Update 1 for free, ahead of its official launch on April 8, you’re in luck! Just follow these simple instructions…

USB-C vs. USB 3.1: What’s the difference?

USB Type-C
After more than a decade of fighting with USB’s relentlessly superpositioning cables, a new cable standard is finally coming to market.