Software snag silences Science Guy’s solar sail spacecraft

The new solar sail demonstration vehicle, LightSail-A, has lost communication with Earth due to a software glitch. Engineers have not been able to reset the device, but are hoping a cosmic ray will hit the craft, rebooting the electronics.

TrackingPoint, the Linux-powered rifle manufacturer, may be bankrupt

TrackingPoint rifle lets you hit targets you can't see
TrackingPoint, the company behind the Precision Guided Firearm / Linux rifle, is reportedly headed for bankruptcy, despite reporting positive financials just weeks ago

Microsoft’s Phil Spencer wants to win PC gamers back, despite Games For Windows Live debacle

Phil Spencer
Microsoft wants to win back PC gamers, but after the debacle of Games for Windows Live, it’s got some damage control to do. Phil Spencer claims he welcomes the challenge.

Would Microsoft really open-source Windows?

At ChefCon last week, Microsoft Technical Fellow and top engineer Mark Russinovich dropped a bombshell: He said that Microsoft one day could “open source” the entire Windows OS–in other words, give it away for free.

MediaTek may license AMD’s Radeon for next-gen smartphone, tablet graphics chip

AMD logo
AMD and MediaTek have supposedly teamed up to build tablet and laptop solutions for the mobile space — could this be a new market for AMD?