The best laptops for college students: Learning digitally has never been easier

MacBook Air
College life has changed dramatically in the last decade. Many classes are being offered online, academic research has moved to the digital arena, and now many assignments are turned in through e-mail attachments. Modern college students are increasingly reliant on computers, and that means a laptop is most certainly in your future. So, how do you decide which one to buy?

Lenovo promises bloatware-free PCs, free McAfee subscriptions for Superfish victims

Lenovo has released its plans for how it will make amends to the consumers whose data it exposed. How about a six month subscription to McAfee?

Lenovo falls on its sword as Superfish impact spreads

Further details from Lenovo on the Superfish disasterware have revealed how the product slipped through their approval process — and pointed to other programs using the same badly broken Komodia software.