For want of a nail: How hardware hijinks fracked my AMD Radeon R9 Fury testing

A touching tale of hardware evaluation and shenanigans surrounding it. Hopefully this saves someone else some hurt.

Mozilla Firefox kills Flash by default, security chief calls for Adobe to issue an end-of-life date

Mozilla has blocked Firefox from running Flash by default on the latest versions of its browser and is calling on Adobe to dump the product altogether. Is this finally the end of the performance-sucking plugin?

Researchers demonstrate supercomputing system using NAND flash, not DRAM

IBM BlueGene supercomputer
Supercomputers need tons of RAM — that’s a known fact. But a new team of researchers from MIT has debuted a supercomputing design that gets rid of most RAM in favor of NAND flash — with surprisingly good results.

Apple reportedly fixes iTunes Match DRM problems with iTunes 12.2.1

After Apple Music launched a few weeks back, some users ran into a glitch that caused DRM-free iTunes Match songs to be mistakenly locked behind the Apple Music DRM.

Samsung is reportedly working on an 11K screen, claims it can create 3D illusions

Samsung says it wants to build high-resolution displays up to and including an insane 11K. Will we ever have a use for such technology?