Return of the search wars: The rise of contextual awareness

Search data Google
Search is still a fundamental part of the computing experience, but search is no longer just about going to a browser and entering a search term.

Is the phablet the future of smartphones?

Nexus 6 Phablet
A recent report by Yahoo’s Flurry Analytics unit shows that phablet usage is growing dramatically — and that signals a greater change in the mobile device market overall.

Diagnosing sleep apnea with smartphone apps

New diagnostic apps developed by researchers at the University of Washington and Oxford University can detect sleep apnea with almost the same accuracy as traditional and expensive lab tests.

Unmanned drones, robots, and missiles could win the next war: DARPA

DARPA recently announced a new program that they call a “system of systems” approach, which would bring together manned and unmanned aircraft, missiles, sensors, and mission systems into a very sophisticated network with distributed intelligence.