First quantum dot monitor to hit US retail shelves this summer

Quantum dot Philips
We’ve been hearing a bit more about quantum dot technology lately, and now Phillips has released the world’s first quantum dot monitor.

AMD Radeon Fury cards debut, from the tiny R9 Nano to the water-cooled R9 Fury X

AMD announced multiple new GPUS yesterday, including upcoming dual-core models, a water-cooled single-GPU solution, and the tiny Radeon Nano — all of which promise dramatic performance and power consumption improvements over previous generation cards.

Secrets of the vault: Backblaze open-sources key sections of its data preservation software

Backblaze has open-sourced a key component of its Backblaze Vault file system design: The Reed-Solomon implementation (done, in this case, in Java).

Return of the search wars: The rise of contextual awareness

Search data Google
Search is still a fundamental part of the computing experience, but search is no longer just about going to a browser and entering a search term.

Intel’s Thunderbolt 3 offers USB compatibility — at full Thunderbolt speed

Light peak 1 Thunderbolt Intel
Thunderbolt or USB 3? Thanks to Intel’s latest Alpine Ridge controller, there won’t be a need to split the difference in the future. Why settle for one when you can have both on a single piece of silicon?