Microsoft releases Windows 10 Build 10122 — and it’s a giant mess

Windows 10 Build 10122
At best, Build 10122 is a late beta that needs to be finalized in the next two to three months if Windows 10 will be released by the end of this summer. It’s not looking good.

Authorities expand MH370 search area further, in last-ditch attempt to locate the missing plane

MH370 search and rescue, helicopter and ship
The search for MH 370 continues, but poor weather conditions and the lack of results have forced authorities to widen the search grid and shift the search further south.

Rumors swirl Pebble may be in financial trouble post-Apple Watch launch

Pebble Time
Reports suggest that Pebble may be in funding trouble, despite enormous Kickstarter success and a proven track record.

TrackingPoint, the Linux-powered rifle manufacturer, may be bankrupt

TrackingPoint rifle lets you hit targets you can't see
TrackingPoint, the company behind the Precision Guided Firearm / Linux rifle, is reportedly headed for bankruptcy, despite reporting positive financials just weeks ago

Rust 1.0, the programming language behind Mozilla’s new Web engine Servo, is released

Mozilla Rust gear Servo
From a working developer’s point of view, here’s what Mozilla focused on when creating Rust, and how the company plans to replace Gecko (the existing Firefox engine) with Servo.